vRealize Automation 8: Working with Projects – Creation

Table of Contents:


After having discussed the basic principles behind Projects, we will continue with showing how to set up and configure Projects.

Projects can be created from within the Infrastructure > Projects page by clicking [+ New Project].

In order to create a Project, we have to provide a Name and optionally a Description

This image shows a screenshot of the "New Project" creation interface within the vRealize Automation 8 (vRA8) Cloud Assembly module. The interface is split into tabs such as Summary, Users, Provisioning, and Kubernetes Provisioning. The visible tab, "Summary", includes fields for entering the name and description of a new project. The "Name" field is filled with "Lab," and the "Description" field contains "Project for Labs." There are "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons at the bottom, indicating the actions that can be taken with the form.

User Management

Next, click on the Users tab. Generally spoken, you should prefer assigning groups than individual users.

This image displays the "Users" tab in the "New Project" interface of the vRealize Automation 8 (vRA8) Cloud Assembly module. The tab is designed for specifying users and groups associated with the project. It features options to "+ ADD USERS" and "+ ADD USER GROUPS" as well as a button to remove selected users or groups. Below these options, there is a list showing one user named "vraUsers@vdi.sclabs.net" with their email address "vdi.sclabs.net" displayed next to their name. The user's role is listed as "Member." At the bottom of the interface are the "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons, allowing the user to finalize or cancel the creation of the new project.

Users and Groups that you are adding can be either Members or Administrator in a Project. We have already discussed the permissions of those roles in a former post, so we will not repeat it here once again.

Project Provisioning Setup

The Provisioning tab is the one where most of the configuration work can be done:

This image displays the "Provisioning" tab within the "New Project" interface of vRealize Automation 8 (vRA8) Cloud Assembly. This tab is designed for specifying the cloud zones, resource tags, and constraints that apply to deployments within the project. The "Cloud Zones" section shows a list where "vCenter / SCLABS" is listed with a priority of 1, allowing 100 instances, and having a memory limit of 256 GB. There are buttons for adding and removing cloud zones. Below this, the "Resource Tags" section allows for entering tags to be applied to machines provisioned in the project. Lastly, the "Constraints" section provides fields to specify network, storage, and extensibility constraints with example formats provided for each. The entire interface is structured to facilitate detailed configuration settings for project provisioning.
This image shows a configuration interface for specifying advanced settings in a "New Project" within vRealize Automation 8 (vRA8) Cloud Assembly. The interface includes three main sections: "Custom Properties," "Custom Naming (Beta)," and "Request Timeout."

Custom Properties: This section allows users to define custom properties for all requests in the project. There is a table with columns labeled "Name" and "Value" where users can add these properties.

Custom Naming (Beta): This part enables specifying a naming template for machines provisioned in this project. It includes a field labeled "Template" where the naming format can be entered.

Request Timeout: This area allows setting a timeout for deploying blueprints that require more than the default duration. It provides an example format for the timeout setting, such as "1d, 2h, 3m, 59s."

At the bottom of the interface are "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons to proceed with or cancel the project creation. The design ensures that specific operational parameters can be tailored for the project's needs.
  • First of all, we have specify which Cloud Zones can be used by a Project.
  • Secondly, there are Resource Tags to be defined.
  • We can specify Constraints (Network constraints, storage constraints, Extensibility constraints). Remember that constraints have to match with capabilities (on network profiles and subnets, storage profiles or Orchestrator Integrations)
  • We can also add Custom Properties, which will be applied on every blueprints which provisioned by that Project.
  • Custom naming can also be applied. Compared to the Machine Prefixes in vRA 7, Custom naming is much more powerful. Custom naming come with some kind of a basic expression language and gives access to names of other resources (e.g. Resource properties: ${resource.name}, Endpoint properties: ${endpoint.endpointType}, Project Properties:  ${project.name}, User Properties: ${userName}, ${user}, Numbers: ${######}. Expressions can also be combined, for example if the Project name is euc-1a, we could could a create a name like this: ${project.name}-${######} => euc-1a-000001. However, at the time of this writing, Custom naming is still in beta.
  • Request Timeout: Only needed for deployments that need more than 2 hours for provisioning.

Adding Kubernetes Support

This image displays the "Kubernetes Provisioning" tab from the "New Project" interface in vRealize Automation 8 (vRA8) Cloud Assembly. This section is designed for specifying Kubernetes zones that will be used for provisioning clusters within the project. The interface includes a "+ ADD ZONE" and "REMOVE" button, indicating that users can add new zones or remove existing ones. Below these options is a table with columns labeled "Name," "Description," "Priority," and "Capability Tags," though it currently displays the message "No Kubernetes zones assigned to this project" indicating that no zones have been added yet. At the bottom of the interface, there are "CREATE" and "CANCEL" buttons to finalize or cancel the creation of the project. The interface is clean and user-friendly, offering a straightforward approach to configuring Kubernetes zones for project deployments.

The last screen is about adding a Kubernetes Zone to a Project.

Once finished, click Create.


Dr. Guido Söldner


Guido Söldner ist Geschäftsführer und Principal Consultant bei Söldner Consult. Sein Themenfeld umfasst Cloud Infrastruktur, Automatisierung und DevOps, Kubernetes, Machine Learning und Enterprise Programmierung mit Spring.